Complex Fluids
Fascinating rheological properties like shear thickening/thinning and anisotropic viscosity arise from underlying structure in complex fluids. We develop and use techniques to simultaneously analyze emergent, large-scale properties and image particle-level positions and stresses in such suspensions.
Turning a Microscope into a Pressure Gauge
Did you know that your brighfield or confocal microscope can actually measure stresses in colloidal materials? Here we introduce our SALSA (Stress Assessment from Local Structrure Anisotropy) method determining the stresses in hard-sphere colloidal suspensions. By just using the particle positions, SALSA can effectively transform your micorscope into a local pressure gauge.
Visualization, coarsening, and flow dynamics of focal conic domains in simulated smectic-A liquid crystals
Shear thickening paper selected as PRL Editor's Suggestion!
Our shear thickening paper that settles a decades-long debate in suspension rheology has been selected as PRL Editor's Suggestion.
Hydrodynamic and Contact Contributions to Continuous Shear Thickening in Colloidal Suspensions
Shear Thickening in Suspensions
We introduced an experiment to solve the mystry of how Oobleck works.
Supercooled liquids and polyamorphism
A low-temperature amorphous phase in a fragile glass-forming substance
Facts and speculation concerning low-temperature polymorphism in glass formers
Two fluid drop snap-off problem: Experiments and theory