Complex Fluids
Fascinating rheological properties like shear thickening/thinning and anisotropic viscosity arise from underlying structure in complex fluids. We develop and use techniques to simultaneously analyze emergent, large-scale properties and image particle-level positions and stresses in such suspensions.
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Testing for scaling behavior dependence on geometrical and fluid parameters in the two fluid drop snap-off problem
Scaling at the selective withdrawal transition through a tube suspended above the fluid surface
Persistence of memory in drop breakup: The breakdown of universality
Shear-induced configurations of confined colloidal suspensions
Scaling and transition structure dependence on the fluid viscosity ratio in the selective withdrawal transition
Visualization of dislocation dynamics in colloidal crystals
Visualizing dislocation nucleation by indenting colloidal crystals
Slip, yield and bands in colloidal crystals under oscillatory shear
Restricted dislocation motion in crystals of colloidal dimer particles